a case of the tuesdays
yesterday i was having a rather down day, so i decided to make myself a Gratitude List (just a little thing i picked up from The Secret ); sometimes all it takes is remembering all the awesome in your life to snap you out of a petty funk. i am grateful for: mom & dad- without them, i'd be living in a cardboard box. i owe them for pretty much everything i have and everything i am. my gatos- the remind me that there are other things to consider besides myself...even if i do leave them alone without hugs and sometimes food for a couple days at a time... chastine- i'd probably be the most miserable hermit of a woman during the rest of my stay in NYC if it weren't for her. she kind of saved my life this year. thanks ARC, you were good for something. april- my Chicago bff, brought into my life via chas and never left (and never will, mwahahaha) i can think of nobody else i'd rather drive x-country and start over in LA with :) emily- my sister! h...