
Showing posts from October, 2018


HEADS UP: I'm writing about some kind of "out there" ideas today, so if you didn't already think I was a little strange, you're about to get a sizable dose of weird. I mean, I'M totally fine with that, but just in case you aren''ve been fairly warned. --------- I was listening to an Astrology YouTube video regarding this Full Moon in Taurus today (9:45am PST), and she made mention of how all of the planetary alignments at this time are encouraging us to stand in our truth and our power. How we are to be so honest with ourselves about our darkness and our light, to be OK with losing relationships and accepting others that maybe we previously have not truly seen, so long as when we fall asleep at night, alone in our beds, we are truly confident in who we are and where we are going. HOWEVER, it was something else she said that really stood out to me, about imagining yourself as being fully present, in the right place at the right time,...